Tuesday, April 04, 2006

K -2: Following Directions

http://www.ketc.org/kids/ThingsToDo.asp?ThingToDo=1704 KETC Kids Learning Directions

To help kindergarteners or first graders learn location, make sure they know the name of their town and their street address and that they can describe the building and neighborhood in which they live. Then, when you talk about other places, they have something of their own with which to compare.
Children need to understand positional words. Teach children words like “above” and “below” in a natural way when you talk with them or give them directions.
When picking up toys to put away, say, “Please put your toy into the basket on the right,” or “Put the green washcloth into the drawer.” Right and left are as much directional terms as north, south, east and west. Other words describing such features as color, size and shape are also important.

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