Monday, September 29, 2008

Halloween in the AELC!

This is what happens to BAD witches...
The Halloween Family Tech  will be held on Saturday, October 25 from 12-1:30.  Children from 4-11, with their parents or guardians, are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Web Activities for Kids: Power UP: Ecology Website

Save the planet Helios from ecological disaster and SmogGobs in PowerUp, a free online game that draws an emotional connection to our newly refreshed ecological awareness. The three-dimensional game, from IBM's TryScience initiative, is designed to engage students in learning about engineering and energy while trying to supply solar, wind, and water power before an ecological disaster hits. PowerUp offers classroom lesson plans that cover energy transformation, as well as an interactive module so students learn about the technologies required to build virtual worlds.
Source: Edutopia Magazine
Credit: William Duke , photo

Summer Web Activities for Kids: Kids Search Engines: Red Zebra and ZAC

Red Zebra and ZAC : kid-friendly Web browsers


A search engine that filters smut? You bet. Red Zebra assures parents of early readers that their little one's search for, say, a unicorn image brings up only G-rated sites. Results are presented like a fan with images of each screen, so your child can scroll through and click on the site that offers the closest match. Another new kid-friendly technology is the ZAC browser.
ZAC (Zone for Autistic Children) is developed specifically for children with autism and autism-spectrum disorders. It allows the child to interact with and play the many games and activities, as well as experience independence using it. ZAC also offers a forum for teachers, parents, and caretakers to share resources.

Credit: William Duke , photo

Summer Web Activities for Kids: National Geographic Virtual Dig

National Geographic Virtual Dig
If you've never had the privilege of unearthing dinosaur remains, this may be the next best thing. This feature by National Geographic provides users with an opportunity to conduct their own virtual dig. Chip away at the earth with a hammer, brush away the dust, then ship your crate off to the lab. Three different locations are available in this remarkably detailed interactive exercise.
National Geographic

• Learning Games
• Pictures and/or Illustrations

from: Technology and Learning, June 25, 2008