Monday, October 30, 2006

November 11th Family Tech

Family Tech will be changed to Saturday, November 11th at the AELC. The theme for November is of course, Thanksgiving. I'm sure the little gobblers will have fun!

How cute the kids are dressed for Halloween! Posted by Picasa

As usual, the kids had a lot of fun at the Halloween Family Tech Event! Posted by Picasa

Even a tiny elephant paid a visit... Posted by Picasa

Beth, a Family Literacy Volunteer, helped the kids with the Halloween websites. Posted by Picasa

Scooby Doo was one of the little computer users. Posted by Picasa

Plenty of treats and surprises awaited the kids. Posted by Picasa

Kids (and parents) enjoyed making foam photo frames for Halloween Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It wouldn't be Halloween without Spidey in the AELC. This is actually 'son of Spidey', since the old one was looking quite tattered. Spidey 2 is quite the handsome fellow! We are all ready for the AELCHalloween Family Tech this Saturday.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Elementary/Middle: Try Science

" is your gateway to experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide. Science is exciting, and it's for everyone! That's why TryScience and over 400 science centers worldwide invite you to investigate, discover, and try science yourself.
TryScience is brought to you through a partnership between IBM Corporation, the New York Hall of Science (NYHOS), the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), and science centers worldwide.New interactive content is added regularly to these areas:
Adventure: Thematic interactive experience
Experiments: Hands-on (offline) activities with an online component
Field Trips: Interactive science center features, plus a science center locator
Curious?: Short polls and activities based on a hot topic question, plus related news links
Live Cams: Live views from webcams at science and technology centers worldwide"
It is written in 9 languages (Eng/Span/Portugese/Ger/French/Italian etc) and also has a menu of hands-on science museums in many countries and US states. Live Cams are especially cool. Thanks to Derek's Blog ( for the tip.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Volunteer Beth Heuretz works on a computer Website at the September Heroes Family Tech with a young participant.  Posted by Picasa

At the September Family Tech highlighting Community Heroes, the kids show off their freshly fingerprinted fingers. Thank goodness for the invention of Wet Wipes! Posted by Picasa

Kids learned about their community using maps and figures that highlighted places like the library, police and fire stations. Special thanks to the Aurora, IL Police Dept. for sending over pencils, rulers, Jr. Police badges and coloring books and crayons for the kids. Posted by Picasa

The littlest techies enjoyed the Web sites on community heroes.  Posted by Picasa

The September Family Tech featured Cadet Vanessa Escutia showing kids about fingerprinting and fingerprinting them for their parents to use in an emergency.  Posted by Picasa